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1. Uncertainty. The world is uncertain, but the social sphere is especially so right now. It seems the darling of users (and many brands), TikTok, isn’t so hot with American politicians. For marketers, that may mean changing tactics, but it probably won’t mean changing strategies. Whatever happens with major platforms like TikTok (who is currently facing a ban in the U.S.) will likely create a hassle for marketers who will need to move assets and hedge on decisions. But if those marketers are focusing on telling their brand’s story – regardless of platform – they likely won’t need to upend their strategy.

2. Personal-powered, but AI-enabled. Call it the rise of the cyborg. Even as all kinds of tools to manage social media and tailor social experiences amp up and become more widely available, end users still seek the continuity and comfort of personal stories and communication. Watch for smart marketers to seamlessly meld slick time-saving automations and services with content that’s as real and as personal as ever.

3. Everything’s ephemeral (again). When the internet started, everyone thought that you put online would be entered into your personal record. That’s not the case. And now, it’s not the case more than ever! Not only do regular text-based social posts whiz by and disappear in the blink of an eye, but more and more video content is DESIGNED to come and go quickly. Ephemeral media doesn’t mean it’s worthless! It just means you need to craft your message to have more impact than ever (and to do that, see trend above!)

4. Micro-influencers rule. Although there will always be big platforms and publishers trying to wrest back power, the ability to target on social media means that micro-influencers can have some real clout. This means that if you have some real subject matter expertise, along with a way with words or a winning smile (or an ability to choreograph 7-second dances), you can gain a small, but powerful following.

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