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This personal magazine’s content targets pre-retirement readers, and includes engaging articles about travel, leisure and luxury, as well as retirement stories that explain how retirees and soon-to-be retirees are finding their way.

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  • Stay top of mind with your personal and professional network
  • Generate more referrals
  • Position yourself as an expert with your friends and associates.

The Editor's Letter

Each issue, we write an editor’s letter on the inside front cover that explores the content for the issue. You have full control of this letter – edit it to fit your style, or completely rewrite it to talk about your latest and greatest news. This is your space to talk to your clients!

Back cover catalogue


Make your personal magazine shine! Choose your back cover and back inside cover ads from a number of templates in our catalogue, focusing on what type of content you want to deliver to your clients. Want something specific just to you? Upload your own custom ad!

Back inside cover

Back cover

The Details


$299 one-time setup


$5.99/copy (minimum 35 copies)


6 issues per year

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