If you’re a professional out there doing marketing on your own or with a small team, you know that one of the biggest challenges you face is figuring out what to spend time on.
You need to worry about new leads who need a response! Now! But if you don’t work on future campaigns there won’t be any leads to jump on down the road. Oh no! Beyond that, how do you know WHAT campaigns or marketing approaches to work on? Do you count on the tried and true tactics that have gotten you to where you are? Or try some new marketing scheme that everybody seems to think is the new way to do it?
Here are tips that outstanding marketers currently use to manage their time wisely:
1) Outsource routine tasks – When it comes to managing a social media calendar, creating content that isn’t personal, or other routine marketing tasks, find a service and stick with them. Results will be consistent and timely.
2) Automate your emails – Keeping things personal is important, but so is maintaining content with your network. Frontload your work so you add a personal touch to outgoing marketing emails, but automate them so you don’t have to spend so much time cranking emails out into the world.
3) Use that CRM – The CRM is your friend. Better than a spreadsheet, more powerful than your Contacts app. Used right, a CRM can save you tons of time by telling you who you need to keep in contact with, as well as reminding you what communications someone has already received from you.
4) Take a batch approach – When it comes to marketing, it’s easy to get lost in the sauce. You can spend hours following up on little details only to find that you’re already behind on your next campaign. Schedule things so they’re batched at the beginning of the month or the week. This will give you a sense of accomplishment and also set you up for success in the near future.
5) Use analytics to tell you what’s working and what isn’t – The last way to make sure you’re using your time wisely? Follow up and see what’s working and what isn’t. Make strategic choices to stick with effective campaigns for the long term.
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