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Our business is built on real personal connections

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Josh Kimball, VP Marketing
A handful of almonds.
Bjorn Piltingsrud, VP Business Dev
Diet Mountain Dew
Charlie Wesser, VP Sales
Elk burgers
Jonathan Wesser, VP Operations
I love spaghetti!
Mark Douglass, Director Sales Operations
I would choose sushi.
Brianna Jahangir, Production Manager
A classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Shelly Martin, Controller
A summer salad with strawberries and avocado.
Sadie Simmons, Research Director
I would choose fruit salad.
Mindy Stansbarger, Production Manager
It’s already my lunch every day – charcuterie!
Allen Wardell, Client Success Manager
I’d keep it classic – buttered toast.

Some Fun Facts About Our Team

As a fully virtual company with more than 60 employees across 30 states, we’ve taken the time to get to know one another and have uncovered some important commonalities in our team!

136.5 eggs eaten every week

33 cups on our desks

62 cups of coffee consumed each day

480 pairs of shoes

2,321 apps on our phones

489 unread texts

33 pets

95 keys on our keychains

Meet some of our brand ambassadors