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In our growing digitized world, it can be challenging to keep everyone in a company on the same page. From small teams to global corporations, finding the right employee engagement tool is critical to keeping employees engaged, morale high, and productivity flowing.

Many companies are looking for ways to create a positive and productive company culture. One way to achieve this is by providing resources that align with your organization’s values.

We have the perfect solution with Essential Living magazine. This custom-branded magazine features engaging and informative lifestyle content that can benefit your employees in numerous ways, all wrapped in your company’s brand.

Your custom-branded magazine

Essential Living magazine is a monthly publication that covers a wide range of topics related to home, travel, and personal development. The magazine’s content is informative and engaging, making it a perfect way to promote a positive company culture and shared values.

By providing Essential Living magazine to your employees, you are creating a culture that values personal growth and development. The breadth of topics covered means there is something for everyone, fostering a sense of community and shared interests among your employees, further promoting a positive company culture.

Essential Living is an excellent resource for HR managers to provide to their employees. By providing this magazine, you are promoting a positive company culture that values personal growth, wellbeing, and shared interests. The magazine’s content can help your employees become healthier, happier, and more productive, benefiting your organization in numerous ways.

Essential Living magazine

Easy-reading lifestyle content, wrapped in your custom branding!

Key Benefits of a Company-Branded Magazine:

  • Share and reinforce your company’s core values
  • Recognize outstanding employees outstanding work, anniversaries or other milestones
  • Celebrate key company-wide accomplishments
  • Create common culture in remote or hybrid work environments

Overall, a custom-branded magazine can be a powerful tool for improving communication, morale, and engagement within an organization. If you haven’t yet considered creating one for your company, now may be the time to start.

What are your thoughts? Have you ever worked for a company with a company-branded magazine? How did it impact your engagement and connection with the company?